Läst 2020-2022

måndag 24 september 2018

Veckans läsning- vecka 39

Den här veckan kommer fokus ligga på att läsa ut Elantris, då jag så gärna vill hinna med att läsa den boken innan månaden är slut. Jag har dock i princip just börjat med den så huruvida det är gångbart eller inte återstår att se.

Goodreads beskrivning

The capital of Arelon, the home to people transformed into magic-using demigods by the Shaod.

But then the magic failed, Elantris started to rot, and its inhabitants turned into powerless wrecks.

And in the new capital, Kae, close enough to Elantris for everyone to be reminded of what they have lost, a princess arrives. Sarene is to be married to unite Teod and Arelon against the religious imperialists of Fjordell. But she is told that Raoden, her husband to be, is dead.

Determined to carry on the fight for Teod and Arelon's freedom, Sarene clashes with the high priest Hrathen. If Hrathen can persuade the populace to convert, Fjordell will reign supreme.

But there are secrets in Elantris, the dead and the ruined may yet have a role to play in this new world. Magic lives.

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