Läst 2020-2022

måndag 8 oktober 2018

Veckans läsning- vecka 41

Den här veckan är tanken att jag skall fortsätta läsa Malice av John Gwynne, vilket är en tegelsten som jag började läsa redan i juli månad. Då hann jag dock bara läsa 12 sidor i den boken i väntan på att bion skulle börja och efter dess fortsatte jag läsa den bok som jag hade påbörjat sedan tidigare. Men nu den här veckan är det alltså dags att läsa den igen!

Goodreads beskrivning
A black sun is rising …

Young Corban watches enviously as boys become warriors under King Brenin’s rule, learning the art of war. He yearns to wield his sword and spear to protect his king’s realm. But that day will come all too soon. Only when he loses those he loves will he learn the true price of courage.

The Banished Lands has a violent past where armies of men and giants clashed shields in battle, the earth running dark with their heartsblood. Although the giant-clans were broken in ages past, their ruined fortresses still scar the land. But now giants stir anew, the very stones weep blood and there are sightings of giant wyrms. Those who can still read the signs see a threat far greater than the ancient wars. Sorrow will darken the world, as angels and demons make it their battlefield. Then there will be a war to end all wars.

High King Aquilus summons his fellow kings to council, seeking an alliance in this time of need. Some are skeptical, fighting their own border skirmishes against pirates and giants. But prophesy indicates darkness and light will demand two champions, the Black Sun and the Bright Star. They would be wise to seek out both, for if the Black Sun gains ascendancy, mankind’s hopes and dreams will fall to dust.

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