Läst 2020-2022

fredag 15 juli 2022

Böckerna som gjorde mig mest besviken 2021

Nu kommer slutligen min sammanfattning av läsåret 2021, som ni kanske har märkt inte riktigt gick som jag hade hoppats. Jag kommer att infoga böckernas beskrivningar och lite kort om varför jag inte riktigt tyckte att de levde upp till mina förväntningar. Jag kommer att prata om sex böcker. Största besvikelsen kommer först sen kommer andra, i rakt nedåtgående led. Anledningen till att de hamnade på min lista över besvikelser behöver inte nödvändigtvis betyda att boken fick 1 stjärna i betyg. Då en bok på listan faktiskt fick 3,5 stjärna i betyg. Men dem är med för att dem av olika anledningar inte levde upp till mina förväntningar.

Största besvikelsen!

Goodreads beskrivning av Fruit basket collector's edition vol. 1 
A family with an ancient curse...

And the girl who will change their lives forever...

Tohru Honda was an orphan with no place to go until the mysterious Sohma family offered her a place to call home. Now her ordinary high school life is turned upside down as she's introduced to the Sohma's world of magical curses and family secrets.

Varför blev jag besviken?
Det kändes som att inget intressant hände och jag upplevde att jag fick tvinga mig själv att fortsätta läsa den! Även fast det var en maga, som alltså borde ha varit jättesnabbläst!
tar 2:a plats

Goodreads beskrivning av A song below water 
Tavia is already at odds with the world, forced to keep her siren identity under wraps in a society that wants to keep her kind under lock and key. Nevermind she's also stuck in Portland, Oregon, a city with only a handful of black folk and even fewer of those with magical powers. At least she has her bestie Effie by her side as they tackle high school drama, family secrets, and unrequited crushes.

But everything changes in the aftermath of a siren murder trial that rocks the nation; the girls’ favorite Internet fashion icon reveals she's also a siren, and the news rips through their community. Tensions escalate when Effie starts being haunted by demons from her past, and Tavia accidentally lets out her magical voice during a police stop. No secret seems safe anymore—soon Portland won’t be either.

Varför blev jag besviken?
Till att börja med så måste jag erkänna att det här helt och hållet var en cover-buy så jag hade inte speciellt stora förväntningar till att börja med. Men bokens magi-och världuppbyggnad var inte alls tillräckligt bra för att man som läsare skulle hänga med bra i handlingen. Man fick inga bra förklaringar eller bakgrundsbeskrivningar av något/någon heller.

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Goodreads beskrivning av Loki: where mischief lies
Before the days of going toe-to-toe with the Avengers, a younger Loki is desperate to prove himself heroic and capable, while it seems everyone around him suspects him of inevitable villainy and depravity . . . except for Amora. Asgard's resident sorceress-in-training feels like a kindred spirit-someone who values magic and knowledge, who might even see the best in him.

But when Loki and Amora cause the destruction of one of Asgard's most prized possessions, Amora is banished to Earth, where her powers will slowly and excruciatingly fade to nothing. Without the only person who ever looked at his magic as a gift instead of a threat, Loki slips further into anguish and the shadow of his universally adored brother, Thor.

When Asgardian magic is detected in relation to a string of mysterious murders on Earth, Odin sends Loki to investigate. As he descends upon nineteenth-century London, Loki embarks on a journey that leads him to more than just a murder suspect, putting him on a path to discover the source of his power-and who he's meant to be.

Varför blev jag besviken?   

Det kändes som att boken hade kunnat kortas ned något. Detta då det kändes som att det var längre partier där det inte hände mycket alls för att föra handlingen framåt. Lokis karaktärsutveckling var tydlig men den hade kunnat utvecklas ännu mer.

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Goodreads beskrivning av Beauty Queens
Teen beauty queens. A lost island. Mysteries and dangers. No access to email. And the spirit of fierce, feral competition that lives deep in the heart of every girl, a savage brutality that can only be revealed by a journey into the heart of non-exfoliated darkness. Oh, the horror, the horror! When a plane crash strands thirteen teen beauty contestants on a mysterious island, they struggle to survive, to get along with one another, to combat the island's other diabolical occupants, and to learn their dance numbers in case they are rescued in time for the competition.

Varför blev jag besviken?
Boken var alldeles för lång och hade kunnat kortas ned mycket. Det var väldigt irriterande "reklaminslag" mitt i berättelsen som inte riktigt hade med saken att göra. Vilket ledde till att jag efter ett tag inte hade lust att plocka upp boken igen.

5:e plats
 Goodreads beskrivning av The Poet X
Xiomara Batista feels unheard and unable to hide in her Harlem neighborhood. Ever since her body grew into curves, she has learned to let her fists and her fierceness do the talking.

But Xiomara has plenty she wants to say, and she pours all her frustration and passion onto the pages of a leather notebook, reciting the words to herself like prayers—especially after she catches feelings for a boy in her bio class named Aman, who her family can never know about.

With Mami’s determination to force her daughter to obey the laws of the church, Xiomara understands that her thoughts are best kept to herself. So when she is invited to join her school’s slam poetry club, she doesn’t know how she could ever attend without her mami finding out. But she still can’t stop thinking about performing her poems.

Because in the face of a world that may not want to hear her, Xiomara refuses to be silent
Varför blev jag besviken?
Jag har återigen fått bevisat för mig själv att jag inte är ett speciellt stort fan av böcker berättade i vers. Blev aldrig speciellt intresserad av själva slam-poetry delen, vilket såklart var en stor del utav boken.
Goodreads beskrivning av Red Rising
I live for the dream that my children will be born free," she says. "That they will be what they like. That they will own the land their father gave them."

"I live for you," I say sadly.

Eo kisses my cheek. "Then you must live for more."

Darrow is a Red, a member of the lowest caste in the color-coded society of the future. Like his fellow Reds,
6:e plats
he works all day, believing that he and his people are making the surface of Mars livable for future generations.

Yet he spends his life willingly, knowing that his blood and sweat will one day result in a better world for his children.

But Darrow and his kind have been betrayed. Soon he discovers that humanity already reached the surface generations ago. Vast cities and sprawling parks spread across the planet. Darrow—and Reds like him—are nothing more than slaves to a decadent ruling class.

Inspired by a longing for justice, and driven by the memory of lost love, Darrow sacrifices everything to infiltrate the legendary Institute, a proving ground for the dominant Gold caste, where the next generation of humanity's overlords struggle for power. He will be forced to compete for his life and the very future of civilization against the best and most brutal of Society's ruling class. There, he will stop at nothing to bring down his enemies... even if it means he has to become one of them to do so.
Varför blev jag besviken?  
Jag var engagerad tills jag var halvvägs genom boken. Efter det kändes det som att det tog mig en halv evighet att läsa klart den här boken, för jag ville bara inte plocka upp den när jag väl lagt ned den. Jag fastnade inte heller för karaktärerna, vilket gjorde att jag inte brydde mig speciellt mycket om vad som hände med dem.


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